
As professional investor in distressed assets, FIO aims to be seen as a problem solver able to balance all the stakeholders’ interests.
FIO acts as “assuntore” in bankruptcy composition agreements with creditors or in PRE-bankruptcy composition agreements with creditors (i.e. “Concordato Preventivo”). FIO also acquires non performing loans claimed against insolvency proceedings and various assets of target companies.

Composition Agreements with creditors

FIO acts – exclusively in the Italian market - as “assuntore” in bankruptcy composition agreements with creditors or in PRE-bankruptcy composition agreements with creditors (i.e. “Concordato Preventivo”), fully guaranteeing the liabilities (by means of bank letters of guarantee enforceable at first demand) against integral assignment of the assets under procedure.
The aim of FIO investment is to remove the uncertainty typically inherent to insolvency proceedings in term of asset’s liquidation estimate and of duration; FIO secures the creditors with guaranteed percentages of recovery and respectful of the intrinsic value of the procedure’s assets and certain timing of payments with time deferrals no longer than a few months from the final judgment of the homologation decree - provided by the competent Court - referring to the composition agreement proposal.

Purchase of Distressed Assets

FIO acquires (on a without recourse basis) debts both of banking/financial or commercial origin claimed against insolvency proceedings, settlement of which is uncertain and/or difficult.
This investment activity is executed through a licensed special purpose vehicle (under Italian law 130/1999) or directly, FIO having the license issued as per article 115 of the Public Safety Act (TULPS).
Thanks to its continuous activity of scouting of assets entrapped in insolvency proceedings, FIO is also interested in purchasing different kinds of assets among others assets portfolios, credits under litigation, industrial going concerns, real estates, etc.